1. World Cruise Story - The Kairosoft Wiki
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In World Cruise Story you own a cruise liner, and cater to your customers every whim and fancy. You can build not only the inside of your boat, but the outside as well, with new clients getting on and old ones getting off at different stops.
2. World Cruise Story Cheat Engine table - OpenCheatTables.org
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World Cruise Story | Cheat Engine Table v1.0 | 2024-07-11 Mod Engine
3. Hints, tips, and tricks for Kairosoft's World Cruise Story | Pocket Gamer
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Another Kairosoft release, another excuse to get down and dirty with the tips and tricks that lie hidden in its depths. World Cruise Story is a lot more straightforward than your average Kairosoft management game, but that doesn't mean it's a walkover. If you ...

4. Tips (World Cruise Story) - The Kairosoft Wiki
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You can guarantee someone getting an aura by creating a "maze" of pink carpet + boosting effects, while blocking off 3/4 exits. This can be extremely useful for King/Queen requests. This is outlined in more detail at: http://kairosoft.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/world-cruise-story-aura-guide/ Note: If this...
5. World Cruise Story – Aura Guide | kairosoft - WordPress.com
Jan 5, 2012 · World Cruise Story, the most important part, is the Aura of each character, you probably need those aura to pass those King/Queen request.
World Cruise Story, the most important part, is the Aura of each character, you probably need those aura to pass those King/Queen request. People may think of, how to get the Aura, i cant make it, …

6. 0 Cheats for World Cruise Story
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World Cruise Story cheat codes
7. Walkthroughs and guides for World Cruise Story - Super Cheats
See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for World Cruise Story. Help for World Cruise Story on Android. More help, hints and discussion forums for ...
See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for World Cruise Story. Help for World Cruise Story on Android. More help, hints and discussion forums for on Supercheats.

8. World Cruise Story hack using Gamegem please help - iOSGods
Aug 18, 2016 · ... cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings. STEP 6: Turn on the features ...
hello, i am new to the site so i am sorry if i post this in the wrong section. I am trying to hack some games on ipad air 2. Kairosoft game World cruise story https://iosgods.com/topic/5580-all-kairosoft-games/page-1 I read this and tried following instructions. I have gamegem and the world cruis...

9. World Cruise Story - IGN
Can you turn your sea buggy into a 5-star floating paradise? Put on your captain's hat and find out in World Cruise Story! Developers. Kairosoft. Publishers.
Release Date, Trailers, News, Reviews, Guides, Gameplay and more for World Cruise Story