Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 THE DAYTON DAILY NEWS PAGE 93 EL MONT fuh On Out Mumu Today lH Mgh Saaduiky FINE LIQUORS in More Money For Cities In New Bills AND BEERS FISH FRIES TMay Watt Than CeeM of Mhii Batata i t't i I anal Ma latm smeiqon 1 ft JAMM "June Bride" viu aaa wdmwX hmumih "Code of Scotland Yard" jnd Sandwiches should tarn Kav Feet For Liu Had His Troubles Getting Hat Back COIXMBIS, Jan. Shrimp Oyittr? Chicken Steaks "Harvey than to 523 S41IM JF THKRF. WERE no other reason for the pla provide an opportunity to hear curtain speech' speeches Double the money local govern 'ALEM by Frank Fy, it would be worth doing. PICK'S FISH MOUSE CLiaj a. A lit -1111 The audience that filled the NEW YRK, Jan.

25. So you didn't attend the inaugural hall Please accept my It was juat too big and unwieldy for everybody, including Vice President Barkley, whose daughter aat on hia ailk hat and busted it when they were leaving the ball by limousine. Hia firat official act will be to buy a new stovepipe hat. Looking back we can see that the country isn't ready to return to such stiffly formal festivities very often. 1 Jliea a lll JUNf 1(101" B-a S.fS Mwrte i VAIIITY IIMI sa i Maw.

asaoai -MOM StWS ictory theater Monday at the Kat, Tomlinson. Mabel Mr-Dayton opening of the five-year- (um, Bradford Hattnn, Thomas old play was prepared to lav let- Hm. ments get from the state is called for in new laws before the general assembly today. I Rep. Anna F.

O'Neil (D-Sunt-mit) offered alternative plans for dishing out more sales tax money starting in mid-year. 'ALBUQUERQUE" Terkniielnr astoMM Ontl -lUrtsara kttIM "SMUGGLERS COVE'' I ftnajrerf OVrvarf BefS tuce leaves at the big feet of that Grant and Hurke Mi Hugh. invisible rabbit for whom the plav is named. It remained long after They were among 27 measures tn curtain to pile more laughter VICTORY THEATRE at the feet of Fa III 0)bbbbW II1S AND CHICKIM MMCUED JUST BIGHT: iat T'Mta -Wednraitar Ihumlif "A SONG fS BORN" Danny Kayt, Virginia Mayo Ate t4 h-rl bKU TONIwHT AT I II WfO. MAT.

1:10 moat KMKKTOW roeWnr FRANK FAY HARVEY teM Vk'0J00 tm PLA introduced in the House of Representatives last night as the legislature started its fourth week. Eight others were offered in the Senate, boosting the total past 100 so far. One proposal of the House finance committee chairman would give local governments one-third of all sales tax collections. Minimum amounts to rural counties would be increased to $50,000 a And it on ii i be a surprise 1 to learn rabbits are rsrrying Kay feet for lurk nowadays. The audience seemingly was exhausted from the hilarious antics and lines of the play that revolves around Fay as Klwond P.

Dowd and rabbit Harvey and it seemed unlikely Fay would be able to add any more laughs. But the i III WESTERN AVE. IV SI OWN Till IH A M. all It oiir Hraml 1 1 RE'S a warning for those who audition for a chance on the: Horace Heidf show that will be in IH r. ri an In Norfolk.

not long agn. an imilalor trting out for (he ho making a eemninit effort until he rlimatid hi hit with the rhant the tobacco siirtiunerr. He spelled off the double talk. Kinding up with the fsmiliar "old American!" Auditioner Jim Rankin rut the applause short. "Brother," he said, "you've just killed yourself.

This is the Philip Morris program." Dtt'l N.l All Iklli the actress who was injured when she fell off a ladder during the a aswMcfr MIT i.rHi aVKTOtNCTTt Somebody visiting the inaugural remarked, "The party certainly took over the town the co*cktail party." Hut the much-glamorized, long publicized inaugural ball didn't turn out to be an inaugural highball. It was as dry as a politician's speech. And there were plenty of other things wrong with it, too. I strutted around there, wearing my white-tie-and-tails outfit which I rented for $16 in the heart of the low rent district on Sixth and nicknamed the inaugural ball "the inaugural stall." I had to wait in line 10 minutes to- get a co*ke and 25 minutes to get my hat and coat from the checkroom. SO DON'T ENVY MR for going.

It was beautiful and all that but that job of getting back your hat afterwards well I rubbed my rented elbows against Jim Farley, Dick Erank-ensteen, crumhum Toots Shor, and numerous governmental hig i 1 1 1 1 1 year from hesitant Ka LATI COMIR NOT SIATBi DUIIN4 SCINI On the basis of lf48 sales tax manner and quips LAST DAY 6:30 BOD 100 ABBOTT COSTELLO Opr I II A X. FRENCH VILLAGE RESTAURANT succeeded in gathering faws in a monologue after the final curtain. The jokes about members of the collections oi Mrs. O'Neil's bill would give local governments about That sum added to the $15,000,000 they get yearly from taxes on intangibles would boost total distributions to annually. The alternative plan would ear- shots but everything went wrong from the first and I hear it went wrong for other folks, too.

My first had hreak came when the tail of my tailcoat got caught in the taxi door as the beautiful wife and I started out. Not wishing to he the only guy at the ball in white-tieand-no-tails, I rescued the coattail before it got torn off and off we roared to the party going all of 100 feet. "Oh, I forgot my long white gloves," squealed my B. bless her heart. I had a cozy 15-minute wait in the Vab while she went hack for them herau she couldn't go to the ball undressed, which she would be if she went.

without her lonV white gloves. BINCI THI DICK HA MhS divorce story broke, linking nim with Nora Eddington Flynn, people have actually come to see "Don Juan" to ogle Mrs. Flynn Gene Kelly showed up for Bibi Osterwald and Kirkwood and Goodman's jammed opening at Le liuban Bleu A New York actor went to Hollywood and tried unsuccessfully to get into the movies. He bought a ticket home and told friends, "The only thing I gained by coming to California was thiee hours." Insurance companies say that for every man of 75 there are eight women. Of course, it's a little late by then, Margie Lee told her boy ffiatMi she'd like to hear some be hop and they went.

"Now she'd just like to hear That's earl, brother. AM) 1.0 ID cast and the Day- inauguration ceremonies last marK 40 per cent oi sales taxes tor traff i ir i Phori.F go hi- MGM'i TECHNICOLOR HILLS of HOME EOmuidGWtNN-DomlOCRISP lots DRAKE ImtlEIGI LASSIE aistriButmn. that would give local haw ic lights probably wa.uld ThursfiHV She was the same Svbl too sharp by them- Bowan wno emi.eed th(1 ut with hay back of Coonim Hta niivv at Kellll.g stage go I iiiiieiiis anoui joti.iiiiiuiiiu. HIU I' I I PI 1UV .1 ,1 1 I 71 7, wieui iney nail sunsi in THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR FAMOUS STEAKS uihu luuuun vuieti uy inc last islature. PLUS UI937 No MAN TAY1 0i i un.t.

i HinHllrii Ittbrit Stark trfmoud U'Uiirn "FIGHTER SQUADRON'' Lurr tlten FrittuM Kfrrtf "CURLY" Local governmi-ulH now get SPECIAL BREAKFAST MONTGOMERY" CUFT IN MSM $12,000,000 a year from sales Ht'KVKII All. A trip of Kin 'n, Toa-! land (off. 50' JUMBO LOBSTERS a i For example, one went something rtke this: "I took a walk before the show today and a walk in Dayton for a stranger is something those lights 'walk' 'don't walk' arrows pointing this way arrows pointing that way arrows even pointing up See what I mean? cently When interviewed in Dayton, Dick Hiiymes couldn't say enough in praise of his wife, Joanne Dru, and her acting ability. Now, it's reported she is doing so well she doesn't need Dick and is seeking a divorce Making little ones out of big ones. Cab Calloway, who cut his hand down to seven just before he showed at Dayton's Classic Gar-j den last year, has cut again.

Now taxes taken from the general revenue Fund. I he $la, 000,000 from levies on hank stock and deposits boosts it to $27,000,000. Thus Mrs. O'Neil's fihst plan i IffiflBeffNnrBHeal! flffl i jl Wilt P66I SALEM IfUC TAYLOR 5204 If TWO SPECIAL DINNERS 1 1 tVtt Hmh Roht Mn(fnmrr "JUNE BRIDE would increase the fund by 000,000 over last year's distribution and the second by $29,000,000. Fried Caponette $1.85 T.

Bone Steak $2.10 ji ih it AS FOR THE nlav nhont th bUFT The formula for distributing money back to counties would re- rabbit six feet tall pardon me, 1 quartet and labeled the "RACE STREET" DELIGHTFUL ORGAN ML SIC BY REUBEN HASKIN i ananers. tning we snow Hi-De-Ho will be vocalizing in a whisper main. It provirtes for per cent mean six feet one and half inches based on population and 75 per, tall is as mirthful a piece of cent on tax duplicate valuations. theatrics as yon could expect or PCI SMITHVlLLt AO. lnola I.r.ul..

Alhrltlun "WALK A CROOKED MILE" 9 i take in one sitting. THE OHIO LJAGUI of Mu- If vou hpBrfland nicipalities has asked a 30 per cent h. k.4.e NOLL'S co*ckTAIL CORNER HOLDEN HOTEL 5th and Wilkinson Sts. Completely and Beautifully Modernized VISIT OUR SNACK BAR Ffmnni For Sindwlrhew Television (Large Screen) Wrestling Every Friday Night 8 1 5 Moderate Fri'ets Prevail i it about a man named Klwond fitori )fn Rota Fort "MANHATTAN ANGEL" HLRRY LAST DAYS! "THE PALEFACE" In TECHNICOLOR STARRING BOB HOPI JANI RUSSELL in UIOLI I 1 1 I 1 1 1 II, ilM.ll guv erflments. Rep.

Kdward W. Dechant (D-Lo Say Freeze Would MECCA HIT W. TfcM r- not 1 1 Ml red -l -'I'n Ankrro "CAPTIVI WILD WOMAN" John (), SIA SfOILHS WUR HOST BRUNO YOUR CHEF LOUIS ZENNI FOR RESERVATIONS Call AD-063 or HE-02SI 0P DAILY and SLNDAYS P. M. TILL 12:30 A.

W. 136 W. Fourth St. IKH FABKIMO PLAHSACK CHAUUI rain) introduced companion bills urt County Roads A heavy freeze right now would play havoc with county roads, County Engineer Carl P. Dowd who hss picked up a large invisible rabbit as a psl.

He found Hsrvey leaning against a lamp post one night and was adopted by him. The plot is wrapped around Dowd's family getting him into a ssnitsrium, with the result being that every one, including the audience, nearly accepts the invisible rabbit as a real one. The line best giving author Marv Bauer said Tuesday. The ground is saturated with water at present, he said, and a freeze would cause the ground to expand and buckle road beils. Exact damage to county roads could not he determined, how- THANK YOU CONGRESSMAN BREEN "RED RIVER" Jvh HI iiitwdr- a toon FOR HER PERFORMANCE IN "THE SNAKE PIT" OLIVIA de HAVILLAND HAS BEEN NAMED THE BEST ACTRESS OF THE YEAR.

IY THE NEW YORK FILM CRITICSI Chase's thought is the one that has designed to clear up confusion resulting from Ohio Supreme Court's decision in the Roseville pottery case. One would classify fixed machinery and equipment, like kilns, as "real property." The other would repeal the law exempting such equipment from realty taxes because it had been reclassified as personal property. Personal property taxes are based on only 50 per cent of valuation while real property is considered at full value for tax purposes. Numerous municipal and county tax officials said general application of the court decision would cause them to lose millions in revenues annually. I I- OKSB SSli WESTERN "gggg SEB UNION gfe -11 I i ever, until spring and warm weather arrives, he added.

Record Budget Parsed By Columbus Council Dowd explaining he wrestled "with reality for 40 yearB and finally won." A number of actors have been successful in the role of Dowd, hut after seeing Fay, who was the original, it's hard to imagine anyone else doing it. WESDA SMI W. Third SI. MI I I I. il.i.

Joan Crftwfurd iiah. Anflrtwt "DAISY KENYON" Hfnrf Fnndii 7HI LONft NlftHT" Short Snhjrrhi 1949 JAN 20 2 3J CTBJ79 i90 DC surrounding fay in this pro r. i. Four Montgomery county repre- sentatives sponsored a trill to low only two liquor permits to any "er, fafIa' tinn ir, F.v That meant to be high one person, firm or corporation in an'v rountv. One for each 50,000 population now is permitted.

Only Chumley Rest also gives COLUMBUS, Jan. 25. The city council yesterday passed the largest operating budget in the city's history, calling for expenses of 16,439,377 for the calendar year 194. It was $728,837 greater than In 1948. Most city departments supported from the general fund were given small increases over last year.

This was mainly due to a $2o a month pay increase granted in July. City Auditor R. P. Barthalow estimated income from the general fund for the year at A 1948 deficit of $100,871 was an excellent performance. one permit is allowed any person The remainder the cast includes: Dora Clement, Credda J1E3 BWDT, ST VALENTIKES CHARITY BALL MNTWERK ai'NTY VETE.UNo CLUB 121 jOiith dayton ohio mt JIM BtT WIoHE K0R 3UCCEo3 TOR ST.



DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS 121 5. Ludlow St. For tickets call HE-4007, in counties of less than .25,000 population and that provision would stand. The measure was offered by Rens. George P.

Grusenmeyer, Man Given Ticket Howard W. Flutz, Leslie J. Meyer en and Jesse Yoder, all Dayton Demo- OT rOying net FIDERATION OTtaT JUNE IRI0I" SIU Davie Kofcert Montgomery "LOVE MOM A STRANOIt" All star reel eiaui nmn st. SIGMA ad ins "WALLS OP JKICHO" LlnlU Dernell Cernel Wlldo "CHIP OP THI PLYIN Wralrrn Action Hit PEOPLES mSM JUNE IRIDI" It'll. Oai Ktibert Montfomere "RANSI REYON0 THI SLUE" Eddie Dean UJ1VUS SIS Warne Ave.

WAINI rn teat "JOHNNY BELINDA' Jan Wtrh l-w Afro GHOST TOWN RENEGADES Weetern Actlnei Hit DAD 'ai StT reaRR mi "THI LOVIS OP GASMEN la ('olnr it HitYttui tit f.lfHti KureJ GREEN HELL" It i.1 Jr. crais. ordered liquidated before the budget was submitted to the council by Mayor James Rhodes. 3 At The Theaters ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT l( TORT "Harvey" KRIWS "is Iar to My Hrt" St :55. 11:45.

1:45. 6:50, 7:55. of Homf" at 8:15, 9:50. "Th Search" 11, 2:35, at 12:35, leeed Hie IM hf Mo-y J. Word LAST WALT DISNEY'S TECHNICOLOR HIT I JACKSON PORT, Jan.

25. (UP) Oscar Scott will think twice before he makes another election bet with Mrs. H. B. Mogenson.

Scott went along with Gov. Thomas E. Dewey in the November contest, but Mrs. Mogenson picked President Truman. They agreed that the loser, attired only in red flannel would push the winner along the 10 blocks of Jacksonport's Main st.

in a wheelbarrow. Scott paid off when Mrs. Mogenson decided it was cold enough to wear red flannels. At the end of the trip, the retired Chicago policeman was handed a ticket, for operating a public conveyance without a license. 4:15.

7:50. fOLOMAI "The gplrltuallat" at 11:11 2.2(1. Brlf, "Let's Live a Little' at 12:30, 3:40, :50, 10. STATS: "The Palelace" at 11:40, 1:45, 3:45, 5:80, 7:55, :55. HI 2 o4 DAYS vv bcoi iv mj Bicaii AC Aum ami roetello, Alio Marsha AI.HA.MRKA AhhOII don My Sarong." "Inalda Story.

AMfcs Jeanne Craln, Pesgy Aleo Victor "Apartment for Mature. 'Cry of tha City." BKI.MtOT Belte Davie. "June Bride." Alao "Code of Scotland Tard," It A -BEL Dannie O'Keefe. Crooked Mile." Aleo Gloria Jean ilk a "Man- Far East Art Objects hatlan Ansel DALE Robert Stack, "Fighter Squadron." Alao "Curlty." AVl'E Bette Davie, "June Bride." Aleo Georse Raft, "Race Stroet." FAR HILLS John Wayne, "Red Raver." i FEDERATION Rett Davie, "June Bride Aleo "Love From a Stranger." Will Sidelight Forum Art nbiects from China. Japan all-atar caat.

inOI A John Wayne. "Sea Spollere Wild Aleo F.velyn Ankera, "Captl EjBJ d' iBjCTJlrlSaePj Timrt Tndav! I I III III Ml I III I I I I CIMMISGS eMoI4 mSr Ida Cornel Celeste RicnlrB All Dance Class Prices Slashed From Allen's qivts you this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn the latest steps hava fun with new friends-and save. Only 57.00 per course. Don't wait! Enroll today! Start your lessons now or within 90 days. For Children Teen-Agers Adults Beginners Intermediate --and Advanced Dancers and Korea will be on display before and after the open forum, "What About the Far East?" at 8 p.

m. Friday at the Miami hotel. The exhibit has been arranged through the cooperation of the Dayton Art Institute and will include tapestries, brassware, figurines, carvings and prints. The Korean pieces have just been received by the Institute as a loan from H. Harrington 8 toll, former advisor to the first president of Korea, who brought them jwith him when he returned to this 'country in November.

Stoll will be a member of the panel which will discuss Far Eastern problems at this public forum. Woman." Sfd OOS Danny Kaye, "A Song le Born." PEOPLES Belle Davla. "June Bride." Aleo "Range Beyond the Blue." PARK Rita Hayworth. "The Lovee of Carmen." Aleo Douglaa Falrbanka "Orean Hall." SALEM Bette Davla, "June Bride. Alao "Variety Time." SIOMA Linda Darnell.

"Walls of Jrl" cho." Aleo "Chip of the Flying ST. PALL Randolph Scott, "Albuquerque." Aleo "Bmiubr' Cove." "V'-THEATER Robert Donat, "Count of Monte Crlato." Aleo "Man-Eeatera of Kiimaon," WAYNE lane Wynne, "Johnny Belinda." Aleo "Ghoet Town Renegadee." WESDA Joan Crawford. "Daley Ken-yon" Aleo Henry Fonda. "The Long NIM." Falrhom, FUrtleUJ Abott and Coetallo, "Mexican Hayride." $yoo Dance Specialties Ra. SI 0.00 Now $100 Ballroom Courses Reg.

$10.00 Now Uarn to Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing and Rumba-to lead and follow, dance in rhythm, keep perfect balance Ballroom Etiquette. Tap Ballet Baton Acrobatic Learn Poise, Balance, Rhythm. Develop Self-Confidence, Personality. Find Popularity and Health. Prepara for Television.

,1 I aeaBhaW Ro i I JjV" I Shows Plus Choice Pictures jjjj Strip Tiasi HWHm Expos iLJTts Mm i fw MILL Oirocted by JEAN NEGULESCO 0 1 WHITEHEAD ROBERT KARNES GEORGE BERANGI IAN MkOONALD FlrTaTiffjaTael product by EDWARD CH0DOR0V, 7 HP- GRANDON RHODES ANNIVERSARY GIFT The first SO pupils te present this coupon Wednesday and enroll for one course at S7.00, will alo receive ONE additional course absolutely without cost. I OPEN .0 A. M. TO 10 P. M.

rtii ty tewe'rl CMoiee StOff hy MatM( Gftitfi md Oscir Sli At If .1 VJJSWK CletBT GALLANT BESS ON A ROARING NEW RAMPAGE! Coi: C(MC Al I Cftj'c rtAuriMd ACADEMY 7 aaaaaaeaeaOaaaeaeaeaeaeE.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.