The Chronicle from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


AWFTJL EUTCEIS7. I am as certain as I now lire," U.K. Franklin County Affairs. Benjamin Margel, a prominent farmer Below will be found a corrected report of ths of Antrim township, Franklin county, Bartholomew, of Kalkaska, "that J'r. David Kennedy' rirorite Remedy, of ndout, N.

savnd my life when I was a victim of that terrible renal 'disorder Bright' Disease. My son bad a fever sore on hie leg. He, too, nsed In a Statu City Court ocai markets up to tne nour oi going inns: Appalling All Sort, of laterattaz ParaiTtpni IHS TITUTSs orner Third State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Corrected weekly DV Ijio. Ji.

w.j. Boom. i'aoca. was struck by lightning on bis farm "near Greencastle, on Friday evening, and in Hay market. iili.

anil v. A svonte and now well, urn ior mm Editor Proprietor. No more appalling court room scene J. E.

WOLFS, Bscwsraa Bxus. Flour, family medicine I am ure both father and Hon would have been six feet under the sod. June -20 4t 01 6 SO Bags stantly killed. Mr. Margel was cutting 20 Jtont Alto's Pleasures To-day De-ligatf ol Music Assured.

To day will show a gala day at Mont Alto. There will be an all-day opening concert, the famous and delighting Mar-tinsburg band supplying the music, not to peak of the strains of the Philharmonic orchestra for those who wish to dance. There will be ample train accommodations from all points in the alley. The extra rye bay, driving two horses in a mower. A 67 5 AO Potatoes, 4 00 Bacon 80 Ham Butter 25 Lard There has been some speculation as to whether or not the South Fork dam will be rebuilt.

J. Adae Houck, teller in the Traders National bank, of Baltimore, committed suicide at his mother's residence in Baltimore county, Saturday. Wheat, No. 1.. 11 lo Surgical Operation has ever taken place than that which recently occurred in Kansas City.

James Smith, a desperate criminal, was on trial in Justice Lewis' court for burglary, lie was accused by Detective J. Edward J. Gat, the representative in the Fifty-first Congress from Louisiana, who died recently, in his 75th year, left a fortune estimated as high as $10,000,000. light shower was falling, but not sufficient to interfere with his work. Suddenly a small dark cloud directly over his head raavBicTra how a man aud sow weks White Oats tamed Oats MADB TO rSKL LIII BOYS lUtll.

Corn Egg 33 Dried Apple to 4 00 Hard Soap Clover Seed The following narrative of the suffering of a 13 03 OS 04 06 6 restaurant under James Rubs will in itself Timothy Seed 3 00 Veal father and eon wiil prove interesting to the reail- opened up with a preliminary crash of thunder, and the bolt from It struck him fairly in the forehead, killing him and A Lancaster clirar firm last Saturday Flaxseed 1 Mutton ersof this paper. U.C. Bartholomew. or Kllkas- W. Giiley, a well-known and much esteemed officer of Kansas City.

Smith I had a grudge against the detective for be a delight with Us well adapted arrange menta and its satisfying Inner comforts. ha. Mien, myk I ioc eu wwiiiBca resided in Trov. N. V.

My Hay ton, timothy. 10 00 Beer Hay son, Pork 64 both the horses instantly. Mr. Margels tr Ann, mere, as wen vri v. aiivw iui a u.v The music program below given iii is one of striking variety and delight.

Bye 4o been a great batterer from what the physician of funeral on Sunday afternoon was the larg Troy called In all, the Martinsburg band will give twenty one pieces equally divided between Philadelphia Markets. Widiudit, June SS, 1889. est ever known in Antrim township. Over Briaht's Diseases of theKiineys. Oly 50 yearn since lager beer came into use in the United States, and the first brewery -was established in Philadelphia in IMG.

2sow in Baltimore the annual consumption is estimated at 10,000,000.000 of glasses. Russia has occupied Deer Island, in Corea, as a coaling and naval depot. There is a man-of-war there, and nobody two huudred and ninety vehicles were in obvious reasons, and when nis name was called and he was brought into the court room for trial he scowled ominously at his accuser. The attorney representing the state began calling the names of witnesses for the state. When he reached the name WHEAT.

RYE. CORN. OATH morning, afternoon and evening. In the eveninir there will be electric light and Thu rtinVW confessed that there wan no help purchased 1,400 worth of stamps in one batch, the largest sale ever made at one time by the revenue office in that city. Nicholas Foley, who murdered Mr.

Pomeroy Clark at Elgin, Nebraska, was taken from the deputy sheriff who had captured him, and hanged to bridge near the scene of his crime. Major General ilartranft will visit Eu Jnlv 77 34 the procession, and it Is estimated that lor me. As a ism resort i comnirnccu iuc Augnst lir. David Kennedy' ravorite nemeiiy (niaue at over a thousand people were assembled in September 14 35 Japanese lanterns and a good, happy time all around. What would Summer be, the young folks ask, without Mont Alto's con Kondout, N.

you know.) The esultlaa little short of a miracle. All the terrible symptoms of disease of the kidnevs are cone. Who would be the cemetery. certs At the sugestion of Judge Stewart, of grudge the cost or one dollar lor sui a messing, or refuse this token of gratitude lor being per Chambersburg. W.

Itusb. Gillan, W. N. of "William Graver he pronounced it Grover. "It is William Graver," said Detective Giiley.

At this instant Smith, the burglar, leaned forward, raised his arm and a rope shortly, and during his absence the fectly Hut my recovery was noi more remarkable than that of my son. who whrn a vil frmii fyiiM. breaking his lee. which rvFVOTK Brewer, Hastings Gehr, and O. C.

Bowers, II ait tor me of chronic d.sea&eM. whether with Esqs. went to York on Thursday last, to waa rolloweo. rjy wisease w. pieces were removed by surgical operations from inspect the court house at that place, and lime time, nis knife gleamed in his hand.

With all the strength of his right arm the burglar Blood Xxxa.rvu.x'o to obtain suggestions for the proposed improvements to their court house. We in the domain of meiicine or surgery. Tumor. Cancerous, glandular, estie, fatty or fibrous, quickly and sal'ely rrnvived by our nrw process. Tbe knife not a' necessary agent in the removal ol turners or abnormal growths, branciiocele or nitre (nwelled ne k) remoteJ without the use of be knife, caustic or painful agencies.

n.i future to him was dark and ulooniy. ex is allowed to land or leave without a permit from the Admiral. The possession of the island gives Russia a great advantage over England. Dr. James B.

Hcster, who died recently in New York, was one of the best known surgeons in the country. He served during the war in the Sixtieth regiment of Indiana volunteers, and was afterwards editor of the New York Mtdittil Journal. lie was an authority on cancer. in tx helnlesscrioDle for life But help command of the division of the National Guard will devolve upon General Snow-den, the senior brigadier, and the command of the first brigade will fail upon Colonel Dechert, of the second infantry, the senior colonel. A bed of iron ore or the very best quality has been discovered in the suburbs of Atlanta.

Experts have examined it and have not as yet heard anything of their came when least expected. He was induced to try ur. rvenneiiy iv: m. report. as I am writing tin graceiui acrnuwii-uicriucpii morning March, Adjutant King, Reeves.

Overture from Opera Stradella, Flotow. Selection from Opera Ernani, Verdi. Air Varie, Old Folks at Home, Stewart Waltzes, Homage to the Ladies, Waldteufel. Polka. Minstrel's Sweet Heart, Fahrbach.

Galop, Queen of the Fairies, Smith. ArTKKNOOH March from Opera "Olivette," Audrau. Overture from Opera "Fra Diavolo," Auber. Caprice, Madelon, Senee. Graod Selection from "William Tell," Rossini.

i.i. i. t.iul.-.l ii 1 1 ha now works wun me doing a good man's work, and Hopes otners who Ready maps clothing best assortment suiter from a maney or dioou uisorucr win uo Epilepsy. and lowest prices at pronounce it equal, if not superior, to any Holland's. Or, Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Treatment Thoroughly -ientiffiri and rationi I.

A large per cent of cases permanently cured. One mont' a treatment will convince tbe most skeptical. iorouhlr 'ientil ent of pern reaiment will eoi forced the keen blade through the detective's throat. It cut a circle under the chiu twelve inches long and three iuches deep, severing all the muscles, gashing the jugular artery, and laying bate the carotid artery. The detective's head fell heavily forward.

It was half cut off. "You have killed me," he gurgled, as the blood spurted from 1ms frightful wound. Then, by a superhuman effort, he staggered to his feet. He drew his revolver, supported himself against the justice's desk A Bad Fall. l-reparea ny DR- DAYID KENNEDY, RONDOUT N- Piles.

Fistula, Fissure, ulcer, One day last week, a little ton of Mrs. Fantasie Polka. "Cleopatra," Demare. I per bottle. Six for 5.

By all druggirts. 6june4 ore now being mined in the South. It is claimed that it is present in large quantities, and enthusiasts say it will revolutionize the business of Atlanta and turn it into an iron manufacturing city. A centennial reunion of Catholic societies and Catholic laity will be held at Bay Ridge, on Thursday, June 11, to and all diseases affecting tbe lower bowelpeed-ilv. thoroughly.

painlely and permanently cur Waltzes, Among the Pond Lilies, Luscomu. Patrol, Comique, Hindley. Annie Rankin Hays, who resides in the old Rankin home, on Main street, climbed ed We make ue of no knile, ligature, caustic or otlier painful agencies in the treatment of Description of a Volunteer Militia Com up on the roof at the rear of the bouse, It is believed that the President after July 1, begin the series of short stays at Deer Park, which will constitute his summer vacation. The general plan is for President Harrison to leave the White House on Friday afternoons, travel to Deer Park and remain there Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. The remainder of the week will be spent at the Executive Mansion.

pany with music, from over the mountain, as heard from the distance, coming and missing his hold, fell to the ground. and opened fire. He shot four times. these mot diTewnig maiaoies. lure i purs guaranteed in rrom 15 to -jodavs.

In such casea it is necessary that we see tbe patient. Before the detective fired, however, the nearer, passing by, and gradually get striking on bis face. His lips were badly cut, and the little fellow suffered severely, burglar had made a dash for liberty. Two celebrate the one hundredth anniversary -i I of the founding of the Archdiocese Of of the founding of the Archdiocese Rheumatism Neuralgia. Positively cured.

Tbe treatment employed at ting out of hearing. BVKNINO rm-f snrane- upon with drawn revol yet nothing serious resulted from the fall. March from "Midsummer Night's Dream," tbe institute is tbe same as ux-'i in me at Paris, rance. Re lef of Pain in twenty Lakok assortment of Uats.just received. Mendelssohn.

utes. Kemaraaotc curee. icsiihuumis nished. Overture from Opera "Semiramide," Call and see tbem at Ciun3t J. C.

Rcmmkl Co's. Th resignation of John P. Hume as private secretary to the secretary of the in- tf I- 1 A 1 communications snouia oe auur iu Medical and Surgical Rossini. Selection from "The Bohemian Girl, Balfe. AliltlAU KH.

Institute, Baltimore, which event also marks the centennial anniversary establishment of the Catholic hierarchy ol the United Stales. The reunion has the hearty approbation of Cardinal Gibbons. Among the attractions already provided are an oration by Charles H. Bonaparte and a grand sacred concert by a chorus of over one hundred picked voices from the various Catholic church choirs, under the leadership of Professor F. X.

Hale, accompanied by the Naval academv orchestra. Caprice Heroique, A wakening of the Lion tenor, tendered on tne via oi aisnu has finally been accepted, and Mr. Herton Pope, a young lawyer of St. Louis, has been appointed by Secretary Noble to the lie Kooski. vers.

He was struck in the bead, but be fought desperately. His knife, dripping with the blood of the detective, was again brought into use, and plunged into Officer Meluney's thigh. Then he broke from the officers and forced his way to the center of the room. Giiley, crimson with his own blood, supporting himself against the justice's desk, saw his opportunity, and his revolver cracked four times in as many seconds. Meluney and Woodruff also began to shoot.

The burglar fell dead. Any one Cor. 'I 1 1 rl sSfc rts KireeiH, Fantasie Polka, "La Tourterelle," Hosfeld. Booze. At the home of Joseph Booze, June 20, 1889, by Rev.

D. IS. Shoop, Mr. Christian Uosfeld, The Chief Rrsssa for tbe great success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found In the article itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually accomplishes what is claimed tor it.

is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other szrsapa- rilla or blood purl-Merit WinS fler before thepublie. Hood's Saraaparnia cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strengthens the Nerves, builds op the Whole System. Hawd's SssraaifMrillsi is sold by all druggists. six for $6.

Prepared by C. Hood ft Co, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Demare. HAERISBURa, PA. Waltzes.

Beautiful Danube, Strauss. of Mnppensburg. and Alias June uooze. vacancy. Mr.

Hume held the same office under Secretary Vilas, and his record under both administrations as an efficient and courteous representative of the secretary Serenade, Schubert's, Schubert. of Southampton township, Cumberland county. Pa. Bmr Mother rtnos I mm been nejos wW Atrnm gjackmg ai sbuee wssx loaaer Uva ever be and IwmtmSr nfaet.ok. bat I do not thmk the look as smooUi ae vbea Inxetusad sW jrWAsr Indosd, myaaa.

I saaaoii; fuaaiwaoeaye. Issa. Tow (urge that even a jod thug si oalj teoS wben evuperty nsmL You have mot even i lacked at A 1 isS ss Mlsstfl Ka BScW m'mW $6o For-30. Hoover. HorFsi as.

At Middlespring The Carlisle Shoes the best in the for sale only at J. Rommel Co's. parsonage, alav lain, 1WJ, dv itev. o. o.

JUST THINK 0 IT John Robinson's 10 Bitr Shows will Wylie. Mr. Frank M. Hoover and Miss Jennie Hoffman, all of Newburg, and The MONOPOLY BUSTED. made him many warm friends.

Mr. Hume leaves for his home in Wisconsin in a few days, where be will engage in business. It is stated by those who know that arrangements have been made for the Sulll-van-Kilrain fight and the ground for the vicinity, Cumb. Pa. Visit Sbippensbnrg uly 5.

Ho get your lamp trimmed and and family ready for the Biggest and Seitman. Mabtih. At the home of of the six bullets that entered his body would have killed him. The court room was cleared in a twinkling, but the desperado's dead body lay on the floor before all the terror stricken spectators bad reached places of safety. In the excitement Tom Lavin, Smith's accomplice, Mr.

Martin. May lClh. 1889, by Rev. 8. Do you want a Sewing Machine? The Atlantic Monthly Wylie.

Mr. William Hentman. of Koxbory, lottaTKo-lou lid they wffl gat si eat ol your trouble. Yonr father and 1 kaew iar in tWiurt ir 1 its use. I dw aUast onoa a aosk and atxsas ansa a week.

Wolff'sAGMEBlacking Is wondsrfoli piejvelngj sa Watorpraerftrsx an kufwri crnaa a a Mo. non btacst lustre SC. laata a wresstt. Do ant eonfoand AOMB Bis sin with any otfatw. Sold by Hona Btoraa.

Grueara. PniagiOT tm. Try a on visit Hnaiaa WCLFF RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. and Miss Alice Virginia Martin, of Ma- for 1880 announce as a small part of its attrac $17.50 to $30.00 clay's Mill, Franklin county.

tions I or the reading public TJiree Serial Stories famntei File Iran. THE TRAGIC MUSE, Rest Know on Karth. Over 1,000 Men, Women and Children are employed besides 300 Horses, 100 Ponies 1,600 Rare and Costly Animals, 110 Male and Female Riders. Acrobats, Uymnaat. Clowns, Charioteers, Jackeys and Race Riders are connected with this Gigantic Entertainment, $3,000 is the amount each day that is required to carry on Its dally expenses and it 00,000 alone has been expended In New Mevelt es.

Keats and Features. The whole outlay represents a capital of 2,000, 000. Among its many novelties is the DaaUi of Jtrs. K. B.

Hayes. Mrs. R. B. Hayes, wife of ex-President Hayes, died at her home in Fremont, Ohio, at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning, Jane 25, 1889.

Her family were all at the deathbed, administering, with tender bands, to the wants of the dying wife and mother. Her maiden name was Lucy Ware Webb, and she was born in Chllicothe, Ohio. She waa married in 1862 to Rutherford B. Hayes. Seven children was the result of their union, of whom five are still living.

With all Attach menta. Write for our Illustrated Circulars of our Hastings. At 7 o'clock on Friday Bt Hisit James, author of "Tbe Portrait a Lady, etc morning, June 2 let, 1889. at the residence of her grandfather, J. T.

Rippey, on "Sirgers," Hew Hcrse," TABLE THE BEG VMS DAUGHTER, Etc Normal avenue. Miss Mellle Hastings, As Smith fell and the firing ceased the officers looked for Giiley. Justice Lewis found him groping blindly in the hallway. He was a terrible sight. He was literally running blood and bis head was sagging forward in a grotesquely horrible manner.

He was taken into the court room and stretched on a table, and medical aid summoned. He died a day after the wound was inflicted. Bv K. L. Bmi.

author of "Agnes "Penelopes suitors," etc daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hastings, of DelDbos.

Ohio, aged 16 yea and 29 9t0 To 630 i PASSE ROSE, days. A Monthly Magazine. 100 Tin. 10 ctM. raa son sen.

Br Artbxb SHiRBrsHi Hiidt. author children's Tally Ho Coach Driven by a Child with 6 of the Most Beautiful Ponies and carrying a living Freight of IS Children. The Pony Teams Harnessed to a Forts a. At his residence in South But vet a Womtn." etc. This benn in the Bo ends the earthly life of a woman who battle agreed upon.

It will be near Abita Springs, on the line of the East Louisiana raUroad, in St. Tammany parish. For a month past the ofllcials of the Queen and Crescent aBd the East Louisiana roads have been workiog bard to have the fight come off near Abita Springs, and offered such inducements and facilities for the transportation of crowds that the managers of Kilrain, who had the choice of ground, accepted the offer submitted to them. The East Louisiana railroad people were especially interested in having the fight take place near Abita Springs, on account of the advertisem*nt it would give that resort, and Messrs. Poilevent and Favre offered to erect an amphitheatre on the battle ground capable of seating 2,000 people.

The people of St- Tammany agree that there shall be no interference and no intimidationa fair fight and the best man to win. aiDDton township. Franklin county. Mr. Saved by ordering direct from headquarters.

Needles for any Machine, 25 cenU a dozen in Stamps. September number, and George Fortna, in the 68th year of bis age. deserves the love and respect of the whole country; for, whether nursing the wound THE AMERICAN AUTHORITY UPON Tarmas. In Carlisle June the 17tb, Apru. The Atlantic for 1889, Will Contain 1889.

Mrs. Mary Tarman. widow of Alex. ed Union soldier, or banishing the wine cup fit the White House, she dlsplsyed Tarman, formerly of Shippensburg, aged Lcni-Yille Sfiwint Mine CULINARY and HOUSEHOLD Topics- iXu. S.

T. Rnaca. Lltarary, Social, Historical Eaaay. Sto 66 years. the iramacalale courage and devotion of a I Principal Phil'a Conking School.

ries. Poem. 1 ravel Sketches, Papers Christian woman. Honor to the blame No 520 FOURTH AVENUE, Louisville Ky, EolToan: Tl l.l.l n. a riinjii, on Education, politics and Art, Miniature Trotting Buggy, the Ponies not over 20 inches high and 4 ears old.

Bright Eyed Children driving it, the Endless following of Ponies, Carts, Buggies, Cbarriots, the Living Representation of Anderella. Jack the Giant Killer, Old Woman and the Show Win bad the bailor. All will help to brighten the eyes of the Children. Bring tbem ail to see the Parade with More Ponies, Elephants, Horses Wagons, Open Dens, Bands of Music, Calliopes, Steam Organs. Zuloos, Fife and Drum Corps, Camels, Elks and Giraffes.

Ij i i i i Late Kditor "Oaisnr and 'Cheer, Hints That Are Better Than Gold. less wife and mother, the noble champion By the foremost Asserican writers. The scene in the court room was a sickening one. The walls and lurniture were smeared with blood, and a stream of blood trickled across the floor to the ball door. Way.

Up and down the hall an irregular line of blood marked the spot where the detective had staggered after the cutting. The room looking more like a slaughter house than a court of justice. The tragic scene in the court house created great excitement on the streets, and in half an hour a crowd of 1,000 persons had assembled on the street in front of temperance, the friend of unfashionable If voa have bad breath, sluggish bowels, pain J. L. HAKB1SOX, Business Manager.

THE BEST REPSESENTATIYE In tbe small of vour back, nervousnesa or giddl- virtues. HOMES OF TO-DAY nesa.yonr vital or a as are sadly ont of condition. Of American periodical literature, which ap A mere "close or nnvsir." win not nein yon. ion peals to reader by its own charms- Ktw Turk Or Hodera Examples af Iv wise coarse la to take Ir. David Kennedy's ItBLISHED BT Me Tall Mislini Comjaiiy.

402, 404, 406 Race St, Favorite RemedvAf Kondout. I and cleanse Arasuaf M-mtt, MONTH AFTER MONTH Took a Walk, boys, of Chambers burg, boys, of Chambers burg, vonr svst. of the Imparities. It regulate the Xoarrate Cast Bsases. Subscription SI per uumm.

Pabnstmi recour quarteiiy aubsenptioB per rabustmi n-vnur Two Mark Liver and Kidneys. w-4t It Illustrates practically ita well-earned repu parts, on tbe first of January, knrit- Julv and October, each April, July and uctorjer, Bricker, and Fred. Oilbert, aged respectively twelve and thirteen years, left their PHILADELPHIA. PZHNA. tation as foremost library magazine in America.

9a part being complete in itself. nart hems- eomniete in Call and learn how low we are making nice stylish suits to order at Holland's. A MOITNT OF SCHOOL. TlTPI.l: ATF.9 FOR Is September, 1G90, the first paper mill in America was erected in Roxborough, Philadelphia, on a rivulet, now called Paper Mill Run, which empties into the Wiesahickon creek.a short distance above Tswulewce yosmal THE ONE AMERICAN Z-Xilt presents opnwiuainea HosttassSDtoa towsjauln for tbe year! in lir in i 1 1 i ni 1 1 in swr and lxt 304 mnorrn low cast dwettimrs. and sw of the justice's office.

The efforts of half a dozen men could not keep the crowd from the stairway leading to the office. homes in that borough, last Saturday afternoon, as they remarked to a friend, "to take a rest." Not arriving at home in the Magazine la which a regard for letters la a from Duplicate of lM SS SI THE BEST BOOKS ON COOKING SOW BEFORE TBE PUBLIC. injormauva uu uxjmc wirwui II controlling motive. JV'eaj York Tribune. -i to bmjd as will save luem M- kKt mooev.

From foimer Treasurer SS IK! From Implicate for year 1889 32 41 From Commission for nchuol House) eo Appropriation for year le CIS 11 Boom Tour Town. In order to boom a place it is not only evening, search was immediately made for their whereabouts; all day Sunday the Mrs. Rorer's Cook Book The Atlantic for 1889. TF.RMS S4 09 a year In advance, postage free. search was continued.

Monday morning 3886 63 I Bound Washable Oil Cloth Covers, 11.75. 3b cents a number. With superb life aise por CR. it was learned tbey had been at Mont Alto trait or Hawthorne. Emerson, iongleliow.

Bryant. Whittier. Lawell or Holme. 6 00; each ad Error and exonerations for 88 I InS 0 Canning and Preserving on Sunday. Several gentlemen started In AbatesaentS per eent 'i ditional portrait 1.00.

B. The January At Vouchers paid by Tress S44? SO pursuit and found tbe boys at Waynes Tax on duplicate to collect 177 57 Balance In Treasury MS 64 boro inspecting the Frick Company's lantic will contain an entirely new portrait oi the poet Whittier. Postal notes and money are at the risk of the sender, and therefore remittances should be made by money order, draft, or registered letter Error 10 Paper Covers, 4o cents; Cloth, 75 cents. Hot Weather Dishes Paper Cover, 40 cents; loth, 73 Cents. works.

The boys were accompanied by The above rt kd miniature ue lure us of its illartrx- to a large dog. On Sunday, they looked in assa sa We. the undersigned auditor, have examined tsrtis showing a cutisse to cost 'Edfs. COD. 0RC.

I will send a specimen copy, or a copy rUri of "A Crwv the most Instructive HOUGHTON i John W. Giiley has a remarkable career in biB work as a detective in running down professional crooks. He W88 36 years old and was born in Ohio. When a young man he learned the sboemaking trade, and upon arriving at Kansas City, when 20 years old, he went to work as a shoe salesman, and for some time had the reputation of being one of the best salesmen in the country in that line. He went on the detective force several years ago, and be was a terror to the bur.

glar and cracksman and the confidence man, and the common sneak thief and highway robber feared him as It was this fear of him, perhaps, that led Smith to plan and carry out his fiendish crime. the account of Southampton township School MIFFLIN CO-. 4 Park Street, Boston, Ms to tbe Methodist church at Mont Alto, but did not venture In, as young Gilbert's the river Schuylkill. The first paper maker was William Rittinghoosen, now anglicized into William Ritteohouse. The mill was no doubt built by William Bradford, the first printer in the Middle Colonies of British America; Thomas Tresse, iron monger; Robert Turner, merchant; William Rittenbouse, and several others.

It is now deemed proper that the Bi-Cen-tennial of the beginning of such an important industry should be celebrated by the paper-makers and printers of the present day, In September, 1890. Hon. Horatio Gate9 Jones has written the full history of the mill, on paper made by Rittenhouse tetween lt90 and 1699, and has issued a circular to the paper-makers and printers of the country, asking- for advice as to the propriety of having a meeting held at Philadelphia in September of this year to consult about the mode of such a Board, and And the above account correct at NO UNCERTAINTY ABOUT ANT RECIPE btiie boo ever Issued on house-planning and building. abov stated. EVERYTHING COMES OUT RIGHT.

father, Rev. K. H. Gilbert, happened to If BiKER, necessary to write and talk about It.bnt endeavors must also be made to beautify it and make it attractive. This can be done to a certain extent by making street im-provemcnts.

Every man Is not expected to build a palatial mansion, nor individually start a large factory, but you can speak kindly of your neighbors. Make strangers feel at home when they come to your town, and sustain public improvements, even if they do not benefit you at the present. Repair your sidewalks and your fences, trim your trees and paint your house. The great thing is to employ sosye one to do something. If it be only to clean up around your dwelling, dig or plant gardens, or plant trees.

All these are attractive and enticing to the stranger. It is tbe duty of every citizen to assist in tbe building up of the town in which be lives. A ALLEN, JOSEPH BOOZE. rnD 1 I win sessl tbe fcox parts already lssaed lUll I for lse. and "A Cosy ilssne." rnD 1 Rfl I will send tbe fbor parts lor 1 lUn I lUU already issoed and "A Cosy be preaculog there at tbe time.

However, Bay them at tbe bookstores or send Arnold and Cleric. adttort. Company, tlie publishers, tbe price of books. they cheerfully returned home on Monday and tbe four parts to be Issaed ia ISO. nd receive tbem tree by return mail.

about noon JesL, iptimt Circular of mil loect rise. 3. Clothing ARNOLD 420 Library Phila. FtNA'NClAL. STATEMENT OF 9HfP-PKNiBUrlfi TOWNSHIP SCHOOL IMS V.

L. bXITH. Architect, tt Schwal SC. eaten 1 KH f*ck THE FISCAL. YKAK, KNI1U Railroad Paragraph.

AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice hi hereby glv JI MK 3rd, IBS. en that the undersigned anpointea Auuitor RECEIPTS. Tbe Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul to make distribution of the festate of Jane CURES HHiit AU.

USc (AILS. Mowrev. late or Hooeweli TownadiD. Camber Balanse on hand from last year 6 68 Railroad company has recorded a mort- JOHN S. BLAIR IsntOough Syrup.

Tastes good. Dee land Countv. Pa. deceased, in the bands of Ilavid Keceived from state 237 Collector 6161 gsge in tbe county clerk's office for $150, oglesonger ana 4. as.

cara, Aominisu-ators o. sard decedent, will meet all parties interested County 8 TWO IS 0U DAT. said estate, at his office in the Borough of Shlp Total Receipts 767 61 MERCHANT TAILOR! pensburg. on Wednesday, June i. itw, i li o'clock a.m.

J. MclUN K. 000,000 to the United States Trust company of New York. The mortgage is executed for tbe purpose of taking up all other indebtedness of the rosd, leaving the EXPENDITURES. 3umat3t Auatlor.

steady and harmonious pull by all citizens is that which makes villages, towns and cities. I believe Piso's Core for Consumption saved my life. A. II. Dowell, Editor Enquirer, Eden-ton, N.

April 23, 1887. For Teachers Wagea 63S 60 Tuition of tioWed 16130 Fuel and 64 67 trust company sole creditor In order to Suits mads to order on reasonable term. A FULL LINE OF NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS- THIS, THAT AMD THS OTHER. secure a lower rate of interest, thus saving a large sum annually, and for the further object of double track Ing between given reea or Collector and Treasurer 3 Secretary' Salary SO 00 Printing Statement 4 oO Total Expenditures 813 SS Thi greatest Mussulman educational centre in Northern Africa Is the Uniier-sity of Garouin, in Morocco. The students number about 700 and there are forty professors.

Work begins between balf-past 2 and 5 in the. morning, according to the season. The first instruction consists of comments on the Koran. At sunrise the second batch of professors about a dozen rriMn Tiuratii or Ckiuuid Comtv, NTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 1 Pa- will attend for the purpose of receiving points, and other needed Improvements.

Due Treasurarbv Two 45 38 PISO of Mrs. Whittling and "Bed Noi-edlfiW Mrs. Sarah Jane Whiteling, of Philadelphia, who deliberately murdered her husband and two children in order to get the insurance money on their lives, amounting in all to $339, was banged in the corridor of the county jail, at that place Tuesday. She was firm to the very last. Shortly before 6 o'clock she artook of a light breakfast of eggs and toast, and chocolate.

At ten o'clock the procession, beaded by Sheriff Krumbhaar and Prison Physician Paxson, followed by Mrs. Whltellug and two ministers took up the march to the btate and county Taxes, ror toe year isro. as required by the Act of Assembly, at the following Due Township by Collector on outstand Rkpaibs to Pennsylvania fences cost about five million dollars each year. In some cases the inclosnres are worth more than the land they protect. Tbe railroad company gives every particle of its property to the United Slates TruBt times and places irom a.

to p. WK EKBP THI BEST STOCE AT THE ing raxes lie 6 "We. the auditor at Sblnnensburv townshtn. Thursday, May 30. Newton Oakville, company.

Manning's vv are noose. have examined tbe foregoing account of tbe LOWEST PRICES. Treasurer and find the same correce. Monday, June 3, Mifflin To wahip, Centre School House. Au.

the new shapes In Ladies and AC. B. CRAIG, K. M. PRESTON, W.

K. KELSO. Tuesday, Jane 4, Prank ford loser Misses hats and Toques, also hats repress vine. JBXtm CKutrsuxteed. No.

30 EAST MAIN STREET. SEBASTIAN SHOVER, Auditor! Tbe best Cough Medicine is Piso'a Cure roa Consumftioh. Children take it without objection. By all druggist. 2Se.

A philosopher on a Western paper finds that only one person in every 60,000 dies in bed while asleep, and concludes that It is a waste of time to lie awake and worry over the danger of that. Wednesday, June 6, Newburg aud Hopewell ed and colored at M. 8. Wbislbb Co's. PrtndaU.

A pr. 30, 1 89. Tewnanips, wewourg. or so discourse on law and dogma. In the afternoon grammar and rhetoric are taught, and, later, loejc, astronomy, arithmetic, geography, history, Mussul man literature and the science of talisman-ic numbers or the determination by calculation of the influence of angels, spirits and stars on future events The fore-determination of the conqueror and conquer Thursday, June Newville, at Ernest's Hotel.

Opposite M.n. Olauroh Friday, Might Haw Reaalted Seriously. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Letter teetaaten- Wednesday, Jane Borough and Township, at Kaum's Hotel. -E'tary on the estate of J.

E. Wolfe, lata of the Borouvh of ShinDensburc. of Cumber CbRFS WHERE A Li Hit faiLS. On Monday about noon, Willie, a little five year old son of Mrs. J.

B. Morrows, Thursday, June 13. Shlppensburg Borough and land, btate of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been 11 BsstOoturhavrup. Tastessood. Dsn A CCOTTNT OF JOSEPH GIVLER.

SCPER ttaum-s uotei. ranted to the and raigned. A II persons indebt in time. fioM I by visor of North side of Southampton town Friday. June 11, Southamptoa Township, at Thbbb were thirteen in the house of ex-Mayor Jones, of Williamsport, when tbe flood broke, and Mrs.

Jones was happy wben a yellow dog swam into them and "broke the luck." ed to aald estate are requested to make pay mant, and those hsving elalms or demanda will make snip, i or tne year Bs ana lew, April istn DEBTOR. leesbarg. On all Taxes unpaid on August Iat.l8s. 5 ner the same known without delay. and grandson of Jno.

B. Matter, while up stairs at bis mother's borne on East Main street, went to the window, wbich was hoisted, and leaning out, it is supposed Jan 3bkw eent will be added. ak WIILrK, EmtcmtriM. Amount of Duplicate a 811 10 scaffold. The ministers gave her no aid whatever, she walking with a firm and unwavering step.

Arriving at the scaffold the black cap was adjusted, and at 10:07 the trap was sprung and Mrs. Whiteling was launched into eternity. The fall waa about five feet and tbe physicians state that death was instantaneous from strangulation, though the heart continued to beat spasmodically for sometime after. At 10:41 the body was cut down and delivered to Dr. Alice Benton, of the Norriatown Hospital for the insane, for an exami The treasurer will receive taxes at his office Notice to Builders, lost bis balance, falling on the brick pave until the first ot August, at which time duplicate of all unpaid taxes will be issued to tbe constables of their respective Boroughs and Townships for col lection.

ed in a coming war of battle seems to be a special branch. There is the greatest difficulty in obtaining a professor intimate with the principles of the science in its entirety. There are no examinations. Every professor is supposed to know those among his hearers who are worthy of diplomas. diplomas are very highly valued and give the holders great prestige in the Moslem world.

If toti want made call at ment below, a distance of about ten feet, a neat fitting Suit well J. C. KCMMKL CO'S. ADMISISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John T.

Holland, deceased. CREDITOR. Work on roads, 14 mos. service K7 So Lumber for bridges 8 tone for roads, a is Hardware 1 47 Per eent for eoileetine is SS Supervisors salary, Cs days X1 3S Exonerations 4 00 Auditor and Clerk 4 2S striking fair on bia bead. He was picked Also, at the same times and places, dealers and Letters of ad ministration on the estate of John merchants can obtain their licenses, which must np and carried into tbe bouse.

Dr. J. L. T. Halland.

late of Sbippensbarg, Cumberland be lifted before the First day of July. The State Authorities compel the Treasurer to SUK county, renn'a. deceased, have been granted to the nndersigned of Shtpaemsburg. to whom ont all licenses not lifted by above date. Schock was called in, but no serious in-Jury could be ascertained, outside a'of a bad shaking up Tbe little fellow's escape all Demons indebted to said estate are reonested iue supersvisor rrom the last Settlement to make payment, and those having claims or de- 17 2J4T06 104 46 manaa win mace uieaame Known witnout delay.

Balance duo Township. from instant death is miraculous, iudeed. C.natg IVcaswrer. IS. A.

UULLAflU. A dmimstrator The Trunk Found. Tbe trunk containing clothing, checks, notes, certificates of deposit, jewelry and silverware amounting in value to $500 or $600, which was stolen from the house of Wm. Foglesonger about two weeks ago, by some parties breaking into bis house Supervisors account with Southampton township, Cumberland, county, for the year ending April 1st, 1889. Levi gtrohm.

large stock Trunks and Trunks, Satchels at NOT IOU. DEBTOR. J. RUMML Co'S. Owing to the death of John T.

Holland it la de ml while be and his wife were in town, was Work done by The undersirnerl having their sawmill located on the Morrow Skinner tract, at Roxburr, Franklin eonntv, wish to give notice that they are prepared to fui Utah. All Kinds of Buildlnj Lainisr, Consisting MKiBurils.MffiEi Paliais. Similes, etc We also CUT 0 OHDSR "AHYTHIH3 That may be wanted IN THE BUILDING LINE. Our terms are very reasonable Address or sail on He KALBACH Roxbury, Franklin Co Pa. WANTED! taxpayers sired that I ha book of Holland and Bro.

he closed at aa early a date aa possible, and all PALES ET1T -XKTJNITEXD. Ill LP Reliable men to canvass for Nursery Stock. POtf Permanent employment. Salary and Expenses, or Commission, a preferred SM varieties, including fast selling specialties. Apply at one.

It ia the best tame in the year to begin. Blacksmlthing Fourth of July Excursion on the Penn yesterday found under a tree a short dis persons Knowing tnemseivea lnoebtea to the sylvania Ballroad. arm win please make ear'y settlement. A number of the survivors of the flood have taken steps towards the prosecution ot the South Fork Fishing Club for damages to property caused by the bursting of the dam. The O'Connor Brothers, leading attorneys of Cambria county, have been retained to conduct the case.

As soon as one hundred residents of Johnstown have each contributed a fee of $10, suit is to be entered. Constable Martin and twenty others have paid the amount required and fifty more have signed aa agreement to join with those who will appear as plain rnnting- Per cent for collective Supervisors service. 14 Executing bond 9oC 43 630 31 1 22 1 73 14 24 194 SS 1 00 1 OS -4 OS 34 91 SI 83 68 The business of Merchant Tailoring will be mos, In pursuance of the usual ctutom tbe conducted tbe nndersigned at the old stand. Pennsylvania Railroad Company will open i. T.

HULL. AMD. exonerations Auditor's Fees Paid formei Banerviaor its line for Fourth of July travel at the tant from the bouse. Everything was in tbe trunk excepting the check of Jacob Fogleeonger for $110. The trunk had evidently been placed there a short time previous, as tbe grass beneath was not In tbe least colored.

ejunea ULU dKOTHERS, Mention this paper. Rochester, N. Y. usual reduction In rates. Excursion tickets will be sold between all stations on the system on July 2d.

8d, MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER. nation of tbe and she was then buried beside her murdered husband and children. The only witnesses were the sheriff and deputies, prison officials, physicians and about about a dozen newspaper men'. "kkd boskd mike" nNGKD. Michael Kizzillo, alias "Red Nosed Mike," who, together with two accomplices, murdered Paymaster McClure and Stable Boss Flaiigan on the 9th of October last, waa banged at Wilkesbarre Tuesday.

He spent tbe night in prayer, and partook of no breakfast but a cup of milk. He asked the Sheriff to hurry bis work, saying he was ready and willing to die. He was courageous to the last, walking to the scaffold with a firm step, accompanied by nangman Atkinson, of New York, and three priests. At 10:10 the trap was sprung and be was swsying 1n the air. He died very hard, but at 11 o'clock was pronounced dead and the body cut down.

Rumor bss it that he has left a confession, giving a truthful detail of the tragedy. Balance duo Township (1x3 45 We, the auditors, have examined ths above account of the Supervisors of Southampton township, and find the above account correct aa above stated. and 4th, valid for return until July 8th, WILIANTED! 1889. PPS'S Chixdbbss Suits in large variety of styles and low prices at J. C.

Return. Co's. Wl. Allkw, Clerk. Mont Alto Park.

GEORGE H. CLEVER, JOHN NOAKER' H. H. BARER, Auditors. To-day is opening day at Mont Alto Park.

Tbe program, which will be ren SALESMEN to sell choice 'Knrsery Stock LIBERAL PAY GUARANTEED WEEK LT, No experience required. Commence at once and success assured. 'Write RED YOUNG, Nurseryman. Rochester, N. T.

TTT ITl OTATEFUL-COMrORTlNa WIIJbodscocoa dered by the Martinsburg Band, is one of the finest. For a day of recreation, visit Mont Alto. MADE WITH BOILING MILK. High School Commencement. The commencement exercises of tbe Bhippenaburg High School will be held in the chapel of tbe Memorial Lutheran chuich to-morrow, Friday evening, June 28th, commencing at 7.45 o'clock.

tiffs. Constable Martin said that it bad been estimated 'that the members of the club were worth about 35,000,000 and that it was the intention to carry the case to the highest court, if necessary, to secure damages. Other suits are also threatened-When Horace Boee, the at torney, recover be will at once bring a test suit against the club lot $1.1000. Several business firms will also institute suit for damages. The merchants have selected the firm ot John Thomas Sons, who lost $150,000, to make a teat case.

It will be carefully prepared, and it It Is won, every man who lost a cent by the flood will recover heavy damages. Boy Wanted. An active, intelligent boy ia wanted at this office to learn the printing. Must be a W. H.

SUTER, FASHIONABLE BARBER. McAnulry's Bslldlng, Nerth Railroad SL, 8HIPPKNSBURQ. JEJfJV A. lv 1 1ud ff I muI umwf aM ms T7waUau, ru 1' si wia was I syJl VjossPtnsasaa s- SAr X. umf sa mt HsasrssM 'V, tswssssles as Usi awv OTlt as wssca.

ws sss sss la rar ssr S) sais sa. am awslto, was sy as ll. uy 11 11 wi wv 1- Tas was writs at sacs as as ssrs sT I ml W. las Wsaes, sa4 SssisIh W. yj sit smarsw.

smcta. vts. Aasnss Has. A Oak. Mum la, Asrtlnnd, Maina.

for which the good speller. Thi celebrated Field, Thayer Shoe for sale only at i. C. Bummel Co's. Ladies in search of a neat fitting and reliable P-k's Mixed Flower da.

Ms kiDds.OrjiiK, lOe. Certificate fori jourehoiee.aU for 2(1 1 (4c). Every Bower i irhted.vrvu all our II earstmtslew tium II Highest Market Price New bttlbs in bats opened every week XiAOiaa ribbed underwear for twenty Those patronising me win receive nothing bat tcents at Yonr patronage res aip. ths beet peetfully solicited. make of Shoes should not purchase before examining tbe Field, Thayer Shoe.

WILL BE PAID. xlmar Holland's M. S. WajsLEB Co's..

The Chronicle from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.